Φορμά επικοινωνίας
If you have any questions, comments or orders, you are more than welcomed
to contact us by completing the form below. Alternatively you can send us
an email at info@woodidea.gr.
We appreciate your feedback on any issue concerning Woodidea.
Thank you!
You can also give us a call or send us a fax:
T: +30 2310 680328
F: +30 2310 684701
Βρείτε μας
You can also pay as a visit at our facilities.
We would be glad to meet you in persons and
give you a tour on our large exhibit hall,
so you can take a look at some of your work.
7ο χλμ. Θεσσαλονίκης-Καβάλας
Νεα Ευκαρπία - Θεσσαλονίκη.
(πλησίον στάσης #11068 ).